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What is a food allergy?

Food allergy happen when your immune system reacts to a food protein because it perceives it as threatening. It does this by creating antibodies, which are a type of blood protein used to recognize and fight infection body. There are two types of allergic reactions

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is the only essential vitamin not found in useful amounts in cooked animal foods. It is a powerful Antioxidant that is important for the maintenance of connective tissue. It also functions as a co-factor for many enzymes in the body. Additionally, Deficiency may cause scurvy,

Health benefits of bell peppers.

Like most whole plant foods, bell peppers are considered a healthy food. High consumption of fruits and vegetables has been linked to a reduced risk of many chronic illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease. In addition, bell peppers may have a number of other health benefits.UFABET  Eye

How to know that it is allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a disease caused by the nasal mucosa being abnormally sensitive. Especially allergens cause itching, runny nose, sneezing, and stuffy nose. Common allergens are dust mites, cockroaches, cat and dog dander, pollen, grass dander, and mold. Allergic rhinitis, although mild But it has